
Teaching Philosophy

The teaching profession has changed from walking in a room, saying your words, and going home. It is much more. Urban vs. suburban environments no longer have drastic differences between the two. A master teacher in one environment needs a variety of skills. My philosophy describes the new requirements and explains the job of a performance education specialist, the new teacher.


I encourage all teachers to draft their own syllabi because it is a chance to assess our expertise concerning the content and an opportunity to examine new requirements each year.

The syllabus provided is from the 2019-2020 school year, the last time I taught an onsite course prior to my new role as instructional technology specialist. I've also provided a checklist from a syllabus development workshop I conducted as lead teacher. Syllabus Checklist

Testing Preparation

Testing is a challenge. Understanding how to assess student performance and accelerate their growth is an essential part of designing instruction to facilitate learning. Above is a six -week review I created to ensure student success.

Professional Development

When working with teachers, my philosophy is to trust their ability as professionals and develop experiences with engaging unique tools to help inspire creativity for captivating student learning experiences. I've provided examples below of my work.

Creating Classroom Sites

Using Sutori, a multimedia presentation tool, I discussed the historical origins of online learning and the most frameworks used in education. The tool was designed for asynchronous or synchronous learning.

Lesson Planning 101

One of the most daunting tasks for new teachers is lesson planning. In this presentation, I explored Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills along with their application and purpose in lesson plan design.

Escape Room Meet and Greet

Orientations do not have to be dull and boring! By creating a digital escape room with interactive activities, my goal was to facilitate collaborative engagement with the teachers and develop relationships from day one.

Online Instruction

Online instruction is a challenge, especially when teachers have been accustomed to designing lessons for rooms full of exciting students—great lessons can happen online too! Dr. Caitlin Tucker, an educator, and blogger created an instructional framework, "The Building Blocks of Online Instruction" to assist the transition from face-2-face to the virtual learning environment. Notably, the Building Blocks of Online Instruction do not replace the traditional learning cycle. I've included paired aspects of the framework to best practices within the lesson cycle to show their relationship to the "I Do, We Do, You Do," "The Guided Practice," "7/5E" model. Also, the corresponding snippets of information with each of the building blocks have suggested resources to support each section of the framework. Also, expand this section to see corresponding engaging digital resources for the classroom.

Building Blocks of Online Instruction Infographic


When thinking about instruction, this is the point of the lesson cycle where teachers incorporate the anticipatory set to introduce new content for students. Also, this could encompass explicit instruction. Think about engaging ways to deliver instruction to help students develop a basic understanding of the subject matter. The digital tools below will assist you with this portion of your virtual or face-2-face instruction. When you select the hyperlinked text, you will be able to see a demo version of the recommended resource.


Use Edpuzzle to create interactive checks for understanding within videos. Embed multiple-choice and open-ended questions to increase engagement.

Live Lesson

Even though we've moved primarily to a virtual model, a live lesson is always the primary mode of instruction which yields the best results for student interaction. Use Zoom video conferencing software to connect with students in the classroom and at home.


A self-paced or live lesson presentation tool with various checks for understanding activities available for instruction, teachers can retrieve data from either mode of presentation. In addition, because of it's virtual tools such as field trips, diagrams, videos, and more.


Record your lessons using digital audio tools like Soundcloud or Spreaker to get started with your personal podcast. Another alternative includes using lessons created by others to share with your students. Sites like NPR's Radio Lab, Google Podcasts, iTunes University, and others have a wealth of interesting information for your students.


Create professional videos using Screencastify. To enhance instruction, use the annotation tools to design online instruction with the student in mind.


Although Youtube serves as the go-to spot for pre-recorded instruction, you can also create your own lessons and send links to students. Youtube has the Creator Studio where you can do light editing and craft great instructional resources for your students.


Modeling sessions of the lesson are imperative to provide students with the metacognitive processes to demonstrate the skill or knowledge introduced during explicit instruction. With this in mind, the goal is to allow the student to observe the journey toward the end goal—mistakes and successes. The resources below are the suggested tools to demonstrate the knowledge or skills for students. Remember, video instruction is not only valuable during the pandemic. Video can be used to provide students with their own individualized learning experience face-2-face in order to allow students to advance or move at their own pace to achieve the lesson objectives. Consider the best visual instruction to provide students with the necessary steps to demonstrate proficiency concerning the lesson objective. Select the hyperlinks to see resources to support your quest.


Record your lesson as if you were presenting to an exciting bunch of eager students. You can use your whiteboard, and other resources within your room to support your lesson.

Zoom Guest

Partner with another teacher or create a mystery guest who will present the information. You can also have a student pre-record and they can model the instruction.


Develop an engaging lesson using Playposit which mirrors the interaction of the traditional classroom with checkpoints and activities throughout the session. In addition, receive data to drive your future lessons and keep your students on track to success.

Texts & Media

We've moved from providing students with just lessons; our new focus over the last few years is to create student-centered learning experiences. Because students in urban communities often lack equitable home lives comparable with their peers, this precludes them from much of the background knowledge needed to connect to content. Therefore, bringing texts and media into the classroom supports the student learning journey with real-world events and issues which will ultimately foster a better environment for knowledge and skill acquisition. The possibilities are limitless—think about podcasts, virtual field trips, multimedia stories, and much more. Review some of the content below to begin selecting engaging resources to enhance your students' learning experience.

Dallas News In EDU (DISD)

Newspapers are dated resources, but digital news sources are on the rise. The Dallas Morning News, through DISD, provides teachers and students access. For up to date, relevant events, this digital tool will bring current events into your classroom and allow students to access prior knowledge to increase performance and engagement.

Learning 360 (DISD)

Youtube seems to have a monopoly on video content in education. Did you know there is a resource with over one-hundred thousand multi-media content specific assets for your lessons? Learning 360 has printables, videos, audio files, and more. You and your students have access to this resource—just log in!


Consider using SORA a digital book and audio platform to allow students to select books to read about the upcoming or the present subject matter. Students and teachers have access to all of the texts and can check out a file for a set amount of days. At the end of the checkout period, the book will be returned to the SORA library.

News ELA

NewsELA or NEWS-E-L-A are K12 current and past news resources curated with diverse student populations in mind. Notably, the articles can be distributed to students with consideration to their Lexile or reading levels. Furthermore, some of the articles are in both English and Spanish to support your beginning ESL or English to Spanish speaking students. In addition, to ensure comprehension, students can annotate and also respond to quick multiple-choice questions or short answer response questions—some generated by the teacher. The educator has access to a dashboard to view student annotations and submitted work.

Common Lit

If you would like to use a variety of genres to fuel discussion, consider Common Lit. Similar to News ELA the resource has current topics and fictional texts. Be cognizant when you select your resource, some are extensive and others are a few paragraphs. Students also have the ability to annotate or respond to platform short answer response questions and those crafted by you. In addition, a dashboard is available to monitor progress. Even though our campus is a supporting campus, cross-curricular materials help support the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Radio Lab NPR

Radio Lab is a podcast produced by NPR. Be sure to listen to them first; some can be a little colorful. However, the majority are youth-friendly. Many of the podcasts are thought-provoking and have a discussion quality about them. Most are roughly an hour; however, you can assign portions of the podcast and generate activities from a small section of the resource.


Exploration is an exciting part of learning because students can build on the content presented. This generates an authentic interest in the topic and fosters a collaborative learning environment. In addition, through the exploration of a topic, students become accountable for their own learning. To aid students with this aspect of the framework, incorporate resources that will help them develop their knowledge-base on the topic.

Dallas ISD Resources

Dallas ISD has a wealth of resources for students and teachers. When you click the link, you will find some of the resources specifically mentioned here and others that may suit your need for other facets of your instruction.

O*NET Online

Since the Career Institute East is focused on creating a pathway for students to become job-ready, O*Net is a great resource for them to research various fields and become acquainted with their skill-set in relation to the type of career path they select. The site contains interest assessments and other tools to help students corral their desires and passions according to quantitative measures to begin choosing the best workplace for the future.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor and statistics is a government organization that gathers data about the work habits and needs of American families. Students can use this website to focus their research interests on specific aspects of the economy and labor concerns within the U.S.

Career One Stop

At the Career One Stop website, students can gather information about specific career paths along with their economic value coupled with other information such as career development.

Dallas Public Library

The library will and has been a trusted resource for many years and things have not changed. Not only can students get lost in the online library, but students can also go on site and review the materials to learn more about a variety of information. In addition to being an exploratory resource, students can also go to the library and check out a hotspot to support at-home learning.


The day is long gone where students sit and get for hours while some excited educator shares everything they know about a topic. The best transition to a structured environment requires purposeful and intentional discussion that creates an opportunity for students to process information and build on the ideas of their peers. Notably, selecting engaging current articles or short stories that inspire students works amazingly well. Utilizing platforms to facilitate the best experience along with sentence stems and guides helps.

Rise Model for Self-Feedback Rubric

Rise Model for Peer Feedback


PowerLearning is a learning management system that encompasses all we need as educators to provide an engaging learning experience for students. From data monitoring, grading, SCORM packages, and more, students can use Powerschool Learning as their virtual classroom to complete all tasks assigned.

New Comment

Students and teachers sign up for free accounts and are able to annotate documents, videos, and images to participate in engaging discussion.

Yo Teach!

Yo teach is similar to Todays Meet. Students can participate in a Twitter-influenced discussion without the liability that comes with similar social media platforms. Teachers have full control over discussion posts and the "room" where students participate.


Sticky notes are one of the most engaging and exciting tools in the classroom. Jamboard gives students the opportunity to use their voice through digital sticky notes, images, and texts. Also, teachers can create interactive games using images as pieces from the internet or you can design your own.


Padlet is like a bulletin board but digital. Students can incorporate video, text images, gifs, and make comments on each other's posts.


Students can create a digital resource site or participate with each other for a long-term project. Individually or in a multi-author capacity, students can develop websites to share information as a presentation or it can serve personal resource.


Collaboration is a Twenty-first-century skill. As most projects in our global and technologically-centered environment require multiple skill-sets, it is imperative as educators we foster an environment that supports collaborative engagement in the classroom. Students not only learn to work together, but collaboration fosters communication, critical thinking, and supports students with working with diverse perspectives. Developing an environment

Google APPS

Google apps such as dos, sides, numbers, sites, and more are excellent resources to forge a collaborative spirit in the classroom. Students have the ability to share all work, make comments or notes, and edit documents together. Although teachers often assign individual assignments, using apps can turn a traditional essay or presentation into an exciting event for students.


Popplet is a resource students can use to develop visual digital mind maps. Through collaboration, students can build on the ideas of others to develop thinking maps, timelines, and other visual media presentations. For the English classroom, students often bypass the brainstorming and planning process. Popplet supports student engagement because it makes planning enjoyable.


One of the best learning strategies is peer-to-peer instruction. When students have the opportunity to explain their learning, it is a clear indicator of their proficiency. Using Peardeck, students can develop their own lesson and present in groups, whole groups, or it could be an asynchronous gallery experience.

Video Ant

Video Ant is a video annotation tool that enhances collaboration among students through commentary on web-based videos.


After students have explored various concepts and learned different skills students need sufficient opportunities to apply newly learned information. Guided and independent practice can still occur in the digital world that allows the facilitators to transition the learning to a more exploratory setting with the students as the lead. Remember, practice should be a time when students are not penalized for mistakes. However, they should be given ample time to employ a growth mindset through mastering metacognitive processes for the tasks with multiple opportunities to self-correct with resource, teacher, or peer support.


Use as a graphic organizer to frame concepts, tell a story, create a presentation to explain skills, or create a book, StoryboardThat is an amazing engaging comic strip type tool to get students thinking and applying new ideas in creative ways.


Comix is a comic strip creation tool that can be used as a daily interactive reader writer notebook for journaling, create a news article using the strip to describe new concepts, and much more.


Quizlet started as a simple flashcard resource. However, with the educator accounts, students can use custom cards designed with text features, images, and audio support to support multiple learning styles. Through gamification, students can challenge themselves using


There can't be a grading period without a Kahoot! Right? Change Kahoot, and assign students to create them and run them for small groups or in the whole group setting.


Socrative is a simple web-based tool teachers can use to add questions and students complete them in real-time or independently outside of the classroom to review concepts. The great part about Socrative is teachers can include corrective feedback.


Using digital assessments support data-driven instruction and allow teachers to adjust lessons or direct students to learning spaces for enrichment or acceleration with corrective or affirming feedback. Teachers can use the assessments at any point of instruction whether asynchronous or synchronous to gauge student prior knowledge or determine lesson mastery. With paper, my primary challenge was time-sensitive assessment challenges. With digital platforms, even essays and short answer responses can be rapidly graded.


Powerlearning offers teachers multiple options to assess students. Using exam or practice mode, teachers can determine whether students receive corrective feedback with options to resubmit responses. There are a variety of question choices to create a versatile assessment. Short answer, multiple-choice, and true-false are just some of the options teachers can choose from.

Google Forms

With Google Forms, teachers can expand the capabilities of forms by converting the document to "quiz" mode. By changing the mode, teachers can ease their load with a self-grading test. Furthermore, add images, voice, video, and other resources to support all learners while meeting accommodation requirements easily.


Assessment doesn't have to be a dull experience. Quizizz allows students to navigate questions synchronously or asynchronously. Questions can also be randomized and chosen from a self-created or pool of items.


Proprofs is for an older set of students because the site does have access to a variety of quizzes spanning many topics. However, it does break up the monotony of the regular assessment options. Decide what type of assessment/resource you will use: training course, quiz, flashcards, and more.


Reflection creates a space for students to assess their successes and improvement areas through connecting their learning to the world around them. The reflection process also supports students with understanding how the learning will benefit them or add to their knowledge repertoire. Not only does it provide a time for low-stakes evaluative summation and discussions of lessons, but students gain time to apply life-long learning practices to their lives. Ultimately, the reflection process supports students with developing a love for learning.


The best way to describe Wakelet is similar to Pinterest and your favorite social media platform combined. Students or teachers can curate learning experiences and discuss and reflect on learning by curated means.


Having students build a portfolio to reflect over units, grading periods, or subjects using a website is an amazing way to determine what was most important to them and why. Furthermore, it also serves as a way for students to view their peer's reflections and process how diversity impacts learning perspectives.


Scrumblr is a digital bulletin board and using note cards or sticky notes, students can record their observations and ideas about concepts.


Using images, notecards, or sticky notes, students record information concerning lessons or new processes explored.

How to Zoom Guide

In this guide, I provide teachers with a basis for using Zoom and discuss tools to facilitate engagement and learning using best practices.