Ms. Spruiells
Hello, I am Ms. Spruiells and I love teaching! No worries if you are having a few issues trying to figure things out. I once struggled in school like some of you! I talked in class frequently, did not do my homework, and even had to go to court for truancy. Guess what? People can change. With the 3D's Desire, Determination, and Diligence, anything is possible. Here are a few tips so you can get where you are going without the same mistakes.
I talked in class because I did not understand. Ask questions!
I did not do my homework because I did not understand. Ask questions!
I stopped going to school because I did not understand. Ask questions!
Remember, there are many people here to help if you ASK QUESTIONS! Your success depends on you.
Fun Facts about Mx. Spruiells
Graduated from Dallas Public Schools (There is life after public school.)
Served in the Marine Corps
Attended Dallas County Community College (Community College is a great choice!)
Loves Reese's Butter Cups
Part-time plant-based eater (very part-time)
Former elementary music teacher
Plays the piano and a little guitar
Loves running
loves having fun with my sons Donovan and David
PhD History student